Start-Up Kids Club has developed a model to bring their project-based learning approach into the classroom by creating a state of the art integrated curriculum available for both elementary and middle school.
Working as a stand-alone elective or supplement framework for teachers, the “Launch Pad”, provides students with resources to explore the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and apply the concepts to develop their own ideas. Launch Pad exposes students to 21st Century learning skills that enhance cross-curricular performance.
In addition to learning how to start their own business, students learn:
The basics of investing & financial literacy
How to create computer graphics & design
Communication & presentation
To engage in critical thinking & problem solving, both as an individual & collaboratively
Economics & global awareness
Their role in the community & the importance of philanthropy
Benefits of an Entrepreneurial Education:
Increased sense of locus control
High academic performance
Enhance critical thinking skills
Awareness of career options
Exposure to 21st-century learning
Develops resiliency, adaptability, grit& other EQ traits
Financial literacy
Builds leadership & collaboration