Answering Questions with Complex Answers
We protect. We provide. We nurture. We teach. As parents and caregivers, our jobs are complex and often perplexing, but oh so important! As our kids become more inquisitive, we can often find it challenging to have the right answer, let alone the details of the answer. We have always found books to be the best resource when it comes to answering those tough questions since they come in every topic for every reading level. We recently got our hands on a stack of books from Crabtree Publishing Company on topics far too important to just skim the surface:
Your Start-Up Starts Now! Book Series: These books help you start your own business and achieve success by laying out the important steps to take when starting up a business and show you how to build entrepreneurial skills. Current trends and future opportunities in each field are explored and biographical snapshots highlight innovative and influential entrepreneurs. Reading Level: Gr. 5-6
What is Entrepreneurship? by Natalie Hyde
Entrepreneurs are a vital component of a successful economy. They can create jobs and help keep money in their local communities. What is Entrepreneurship? explains the risks and rewards involved for entrepreneurs as they work to bring innovative ideas to life and make their mark on the business world. This title outlines key steps involved in starting, managing, and growing a small business, including research and idea development, writing a business plan, managing
financial input and output, and planning for growth. Biographical snapshots highlight the innovative thinking, perseverance, problem-solving skills, and other traits essential to the entrepreneurial spirit.
What is Social Entrepreneurship? by Margaret Hoovegen
With a passion for making a difference in their communities, social entrepreneurs exemplify the traits of an engaged, socially aware, 21st century citizen. What is Social Entrepreneurship? explores real-life success stories of those who make a difference around the globe. Critical thinking and discussion prompts guide readers into a meaningful exploration of ways to get involved—and be successful—in social entrepreneurship.
What is Digital Entrepreneurship? by Helen Mason
This timely title examines the fast-changing world of technological innovation and entrepreneurship. From the successes of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook to Nick D’Aloisio and his meteoric success as a teenager in summarizing digital data, this book offers a comprehensive look at the ways young people can succeed as entrepreneurs. From apps and games to blogs and social networks, opportunities for innovation in digital goods and services continue to grow. Engaging and interactive content links with real-world examples to create meaningful connections with 21st century learners.
What is Environmental Entrepreneurship? by Alexander Offord
This forward-looking book explores a unique field of entrepreneurship, in which innovative individuals directly address, or work toward addressing, environmental challenges in our world. Offering an important look at the ways entrepreneurship can tackle global issues, this title engages readers through real-world examples, discussion prompts, and critical thinking questions. The title encourages readers to recognize and take on the skills and mindset needed to achieve success as an environmental entrepreneur.
Problem Solved! Your Turn To Think Big Book Series: If we always did things the same way, we would never solve new problems, design new technologies, or develop new processes to make our lives better. But thanks to the curiosity and ingenuity of some very inventive people who came before us, our lives have been made easier, healthier, safer, and well…just more fun! What will future generations be thanking you for, now that it’s your turn? Reading Level: Gr. 3-4

Innovations in Communication by Cynthia O’Brien
Imagine a world where you had to write letters, mail them at the post office, and wait a week or two for a response. You might not realize that there was once a world without your favorite forms of instant communication. The way you keep in touch with the people around you is because of amazing inventions in communication throughout history! From braille to texting, this title explores the amazing inventors, scientists, and engineers who saw challenges in the way we communicate with each other, and overcame them! With a little inventive thinking, what might you create to help us connect freely with friends and family across boundaries?
Innovations in Everyday Technologies by Larry Verstraete
You might not realize that there was once a world without microwaves, umbrellas, or elevators! That’s a lot of cold food, wet clothing, and stairs! Luckily, some innovative people have solved problems in everyday technologies throughout history. This title explores the gadgets, structures, and materials that we depend on every single day, and the amazing inventors, scientists, and engineers who dreamed them up! These inventions make things easier in our day-to-day lives. With a little inventive thinking, what might you create to help make our daily lives a little easier?
Innovations in Safety by Cynthia O’Brien
You might not know there was once a world without bike helmets, seatbelts, and airbags. This title looks at major innovations in safety over the years, and the ingenious inventors, scientists, and engineers who made them. These amazing individuals have saved countless lives by identifying safety hazards in everyday situations, and inventing devices that keep people from getting hurt. With a little inventive thinking, what might you create to help protect people and even save lives?
Innovations in Entertainment by L.E. Carmichael
Imagine a time when video games did not exist! You might not realize that there was once a world without your favorite entertainment forms. From games an
innovations in entertainment over the years, and the ingenious inventors, scientists, and engineers who made them. With a little inventive thinking, what might you create to help us learn new things, enjoy our free time, and connect with each other?
Innovations in Transportation by Larry Verstraete
Imagine a street filled with horses and buggies, or the skies without airplanes! You might not realize that, before vehicles, it used to take days—even weeks—to visit friends or family! This title looks at major innovations in transportation over the years, and the ingenious inventors, scientists, and engineers who made them. With a little inventive thinking, what might you create to help us change the way we travel?
Innovations in Health by L.E. Carmichael
You might be shocked to discover how some illnesses and diseases were treated years before medical innovations were made. This book will make you feel lucky that you were born after many safe and successful ways were developed to treat illnesses and save lives. Learn about important innovations made in health care that we now take for granted, and the amazing scientists, inventors, and engineers who developed them. With a little inventive thinking, how could you come up with a way to keep you and your family healthy?
Fueling Your Future! Book Series: Recent research demonstrates that a focus on creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration is essential for preparing young people for the future. Fueling Your Future! is a new and innovative series that gives readers the tools to not only build these essential skills but to apply them to all situations so they become habits. Each title concentrates on one skill and helps readers build up their abilities. They will learn the important benefits of each skill, how each is relevant to all subjects and areas of learning, and how each skill will continue to be relevant throughout their lives, at work and personally. Motivating activities and challenges, facts and statistics that have impact, and biographical snapshots connect each skill to the real world and provide opportunities for genuine learning. This series is a highly motivating and empowering resource for helping readers succeed and excel in the 21st century. Reading Level: Gr. 5-6

Above and Beyond with Creativity and Innovation by Robin Johnson
Creativity and innovation are central to success in the 21st century. This dynamic title provides a comprehensive look at creative processes in a variety of settings. Readers are introduced to various brainstorming techniques and will learn different approaches to help refine and evaluate their ideas. Real-world examples, motivating challenges, and case studies broaden readers’ understanding of this key skill set.
Above and Beyond with Collaboration by Natalie Hyde
Collaboration skills, or the ability to effectively work with people, are in high demand in today’s connected world. The ability to work with diverse individuals across diverse platforms in our online world is essential in the 21st century. This title explores the skills and practices needed to be a successful collaborator in any situation covering topics such as establishing responsibilities, engineering plans, and becoming socially aware. With a focus on college and career readiness, the title encourages readers to be group members who use active listening, respect, self-direction, and focus to understand diverse perspectives and come to achieve common goals. Students will build collaboration skills for the future through projects, real-world examples of international collaborative achievements, and practicing tips for being effective collaborators in their own increasingly social and digital worlds.
Above and Beyond with Communication by Robin Johnson
Technology has given us new ways to connect and converse with others like never before. In fact, by the time you finish reading this sentence more than 193,000 text messages will have been sent! This innovative book explores the often subtle differences between various forms of communication such as active listening, written, oral, nonverbal, and digital communication. Readers will learn about potential communication roadblocks and strategies to overcome them. Motivating activities and challenges, facts and statistics that have impact, and biographical snapshots show how building effective communication skills is essential in all facets of life in today’s complex and connected world.
Above and Beyond with Critical Thinking and Problem Solving by Megan Kopp
This innovative title explores the ways that critical thinking can be applied to problem solving in school, work, and social settings. Real-world examples and opportunities for hands-on practice support readers as they learn how to frame, analyze, and synthesize information. Readers are also encouraged to ask questions to clarify points of view, and apply other core skills essential to making complex choices and determining sound solutions.
Money Sense Book Series: The Money Sense series introduces young readers to basic economic concepts and vocabulary in an engaging and accessible way. Child-centered scenarios demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships, encourage critical thinking skills, and reinforce the outcome of different financial choices. If you are looking to build a strong financial literacy foundation, this series fits the bill! Reading Level: Gr. 2
Why Does Money Matter? by Rachel Eagen
This title explores the role of money in the lives of people around the world, including its necessity for meeting basic needs, as well as the importance for charity. Through authentic examples and engaging scenarios, young readers will learn that money, when used wisely, can be an instrument of good in the world.
Why Should I Save for a Rainy Day? by Rachel Eagen
This title explores the concept of saving and its importance. The benefits of financial discipline are presented through accessible examples and motivating scenarios, which encourage young readers to consider how they can practice saving in their own lives.
What Do I Want? What Do I Need? by Rachel Eagen
This title discusses the important difference between wants and needs, and how it relates to money. Through imaginative activities and relatable “What would you do?” scenarios, children will learn how to weigh the pros and cons of a purchase, and to equate smart money choices with examples from their own lives.
Learning About Earning by Rachel Eagen
The concept of how money is earned and the nature of goods and services are examined in this title. Several real-world examples and motivating scenarios help young readers better understand the role of work, the concept of earning a salary or wage, and the roles of producers and consumers.
Financial Literacy for Life Book Series: Readers can make sure their financial futures are set for life with this important series, which introduces readers to the concepts, skills, and practices they need to become financially literate. Real-world applications, relatable scenarios, and clear concepts guide readers from budgeting and financial planning to debt management and investments. Question boxes and a resource section encourage readers to engage with material to consider how they can be more financially literate. Reading Level Gr. 5
The Bottom Line: Money Basics by Diane Dakers
The basic concepts of financial literacy are explored in this important book for young people. Relevant and accessible terms and real-world examples teach readers about financial responsibility and how to think critically about their wants and needs. Financial planning strategies are discussed and opportunities to practice activities, such as budgeting and record keeping, are provided.
Getting Your Money's Worth: Making Smart Financial Choices by Diane Dakers
This important title helps young readers build the skills to make smart choices when spending and saving their money. Realistic examples provide an understanding of the outcomes of spending using different means such as cash or credit. Readers will learn about the benefits of saving money, the various ways to do it, and how a bank manages money. Essential concepts such as credit reports and cost of living are introduced.
It Doesn't Grow on Trees: Sources of Income by Diane Dakers
Readers learn about making, saving, and borrowing money in this illuminating guide for young people on how to manage the money they earn. Helpful examples get readers thinking about how they plan to earn income in the future. Clear text helps them understand relevant concepts such as income tax, interest, and the positive and negative effects of making investments and borrowing money for large purchases.
Money for Your Life: Invest in Your Financial Future by Diane Dakers
Building the skills now to make smart money decisions throughout your lifetime is a sure way to secure your financial future. This inspiring guide encourages young readers to be financially literate for life and to look past today to their financial futures. Readers will learn that financial decisions can have a long-term impact on their lives and that it's important to learn how to manage risks and debt. Using the tips and concepts they have learned, readers will be given the opportunity to practice financial planning for the future.
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Contribution by Stephanie Threinen